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Greenhouse In our state of the art research greenhouse along with 43,000 sq. ft.  production greenhouse we run a large variety of trials including; greenhouse insect pest, phytotoxicity, and plant disease screens, field crop and turf studies PGR’s and herbicide weed screens as well as, drought studies, and misting studies.  
Field Alltech has acerage in Southern Illinois where we conduct studies on agronomic crops; corn, soybean, wheat and grain sorghum as well as trees, landscape plants and turf. Remote sites are available based on client's needs.  
Industrial Alltech can test a wide variety of products for use on industrial sites such as weed management for parking lots, power line and railroad right of ways.  
Nuisance Pests Our focus is on flying and crawling structural pests and mosquitoes as well as stored grain insects. We have many colonies of insects on hand and available for a wide variety of studies customized to fit your needs.  
Plant Pathology We have the facilities and the know how to conduct studies on many different plants and pathogens in the lab greenhouse and field.